Eco-Age helps businesses understand how they can incorporate sustainability across their brand strategy, meeting high social, environmental and governance standards. Guided by the Eco-Age Principles we encourage an ethos of collaboration and commitment to help bring global business to a more just and sustainable standard.
Transparency and Communications
Openly and honestly communicate about sustainability commitments and performance. Raise awareness and educate all stakeholders, such as employees, investors, suppliers and customers, to drive progress throughout industry.
Community and Giving
Enhance the economic, environmental and social development of local communities, through schemes and projects such as charity partnerships, by supporting local businesses or by providing employment and education opportunities. Engage with and respect the local community through a proactive and collaborative decision-making approach.
Fair Work and Human Rights
Respect and uphold the rights of employees and workers throughout value chains, ensuring they are treated fairly, provided with safe and healthy workplaces that safeguard physical and mental wellbeing, are guaranteed fair and equal wages, and offered training and development opportunities. Take steps to mitigate and eradicate all forms of modern slavery or human trafficking throughout business operations.
Product Lifecycle
Consider the social and environmental impacts of raw materials, finished products and packaging throughout the supply chain, from design to end-of-life. In particular, consider the end of use of products and packaging, minimising waste and ensuring easy disassembly, recyclability or biodegradability. Seek to use materials created within circular and regenerative systems, that also promote animal welfare. Where alternatives to animal-derived materials are used, ensure they are responsibly sourced and created using raw materials and processes with a low environmental impact.
Climate Action and Environmental Stewardship
Commit to climate action and promote positive change in industry practices to maintain and enhance the quality of the natural environment, protecting biodiversity and ecosystems. Manage and reduce the environmental impact of business operations by responsible use of resources, such as energy, water, and chemicals, and use alternative low impact resources and materials. Minimise outputs such as emissions to air, water and soil, manage waste responsibly, and achieve carbon neutrality.
Leadership and Innovation
Drive positive change in the industry through championing and developing new and forward-thinking business models, innovation, initiatives, systems, services and products that promote more responsible production and consumption within circular and regenerative systems. Participate in cross-industry initiatives to make meaningful commitments, and collaborate with peers to share learnings and define new standards.
Tradition and Heritage
Preserve and celebrate traditional and artisanal expertise, skills, processes and practices. Respect cultural heritage throughout the design, development and delivery of goods and services.
Supply Chain Traceability
Develop full traceability for material and service supply chains to enable social and environmental risks and impacts to be properly assessed and managed. Seek to guarantee the highest environmental and social standards throughout the supply chain, promote suppliers’ audits and work with supply chain partners to support and enhance performance.
Diversity and Inclusion
Promote diversity, inclusion, equality and anti-racism across business practices, throughout the supply chain and within wider communities, including employment practices, goods and service offerings and internal and external communications. Respect and value all human differences including, but not limited to, race, ethnicity, culture, gender, age, sexuality and ability.
Corporate Governance and Ethics
Assume accountability for all business practices and define a sustainability corporate governance system aligned with best practices. Operate legally and prohibit all forms of bribery and corruption. Conduct business in accordance with high ethical standards, ensuring best practice is upheld throughout the business and across supply chains.
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