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Low Carbon Transition Programme

Moving The Needle
2025 Report

“We only have until 2030 to halve global emissions in order to stand a chance at keeping global warming below 1.5°C”
– UNFCCC & CDP, 202

The LCT programme, developed by the BFC’s IPF, has
established itself as an important framework for decarbonising a crucial segment of the UK Fashion industry. The programme assisted a selection of London-based small and micro fashion businesses in measuring their emissions and creating a tailored decarbonisation roadmap through 2030. 

This programme has provided SMEs with support that may otherwise be inaccessible to them, largely due to the prohibitively high costs associated with external consultancy support and tools. Through the LCT programme, the BFC has supported 50 SMEs to access the necessary expertise and tools to: 

  • Measure scope 1, 2 and 3 GHG emissions aligned to industry best practice
  • Develop bespoke decarbonisation plans to 2030
  • Explore applicability of embedding circularity and circular economy business models (CEBM)
  • Understand their customer base for new circular propositions
  • Enable evidence-based public communication on their climate action plans
  • Be part of a community of like-minded businesses  


about the programme

The Low Carbon Transition Programme will see the British Fashion Council move the fashion sector one step closer to achieving net zero. The programme is supporting 50 x SMEs* decarbonise their supply chains by implementing low carbon transition plans. *selection criteria applies.

The British Fashion Council has been awarded funding by The Greater London Authority’s UK Shared Prosperity Fund (UKSPF), which aims to support early-stage London-based businesses in high-growth sectors. Through the Low Carbon Transition Programme, the British Fashion Council will engage 50 London-based SMEs within the fashion and textile industry, on the topics of climate change, and circularity by supporting them in understanding their emissions and implementing decarbonisation plans to reduce their operational and supply chain emissions.  

To support with delivery of this programme, the Institute of Positive Fashion is working with consultancy firm QSA Partners and partners, Think Circular and Seedling. Together our partners will provide practical, hands-on support with carbon literacy training on core sustainability topics, access to digital tools to help baseline and track emissions data and workshops to explore circular business models and products. 

The Low Carbon Transition Programme will take a cohort approach and will provide each SME a range of benefits:

  • Learning and development
  • A community of fellow SMEs undertaking the journey together
  • A tailored approach to suit each business
  • Access to carbon and circularity experts within the fashion sector
  • Hands-on support
  • Ongoing resource access

Through this work, the British Fashion Council will help to build industry knowledge on climate change and decarbonisation, implement climate action within the industry by supporting 50 SMEs to reduce their individual environmental impact whilst promoting the role of circularity as part of decarbonisation and achieving net zero emissions.

For more information on the programme, please contact:

The Low Carbon Transition Programme will run until March 2025.

watch a film about the programme
